Bikes Built Better is an Authorized Power Commander Dealer who has been on the cutting edge of powersports
fuel injection. Experts at tuning and troubleshooting today's sophisticated fuel management systems we pride ourselves on results.
Our technicians can install your power commander and any other performance upgrades pipes, cams, air cleaners etc.
Foil Hat Racing located on-site can fine tune your power commander with real time Air Fuel monitoring on their state of the art Dynojet 250i dynamometer. Come in for a no obligation performance evaluation and learn what we can do for you and your motorcycle.
Power Commander V
The Power Commander V is loaded with tons of new features. Reduced size from PCIIIusb less than half of the size of PCIII. USB powered from computer adapter is no longer needed for programming. 2 position map switching function built in map switch not included. Gear input allows for map adjustment based on gear and speed. Analog input allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature. With gear position input connected the PCV is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear for example: on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate fuel tables. Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range up from -100/+100%. This allows more adjustment range for 8 injector sportbikes 10 throttle position columns up from 9 on PCIIIusb Enhanced accel pump utility increased adjustment and sensitivity ranges. Power Commander by DynoJet is available for most fuel injected motorcycles and ATV's.

Power Commander V w/ Built in Ignition Control
On select models of motorcycles, gain control over fuel delivery and timing with the new Power Commander V with fuel and ignition control. The best of both worlds, now you can realize all the benefits of the Power Commander V and the Ignition Module 5 wrapped in a single enclosure. This Power Commander V is available for select twin cylinder engines.
Power Commander V - PTi
On select models a new version of PCV is now available that’s perfect for forced induction applications. This new unit, PCV-PTi, comes with a Bosch 3 bar MAP/Temp sensor as part of the PCV harness for expanded capabilities built into the control center software.
AutoTune for Power Commander V
The Auto Tune kit monitors the fuel mixture by installing the included Wide Band O2 sensor in the exhaust. It then sends this information to the Power Commander V and automatically corrects it while you ride. Each map that we offer has preset Air/Fuel ratio values included that we find to be the best overall settings. This lets you simply plug in the unit and let it do the work. For Harley Davidson models we ever monitor and adjust each cylinder individually for increased precision as on these models required fueling can vary significantly between the front and rear cylinder.
LCD Display for Power Commander V
The LCD Display connects to any Power Commander USB some BMW models excluded via a quick disconnect cable. It is designed to remain on the bike and is weather resistant. While connected, the unit will display all available data from the Power Commander. When the optional Multi-Function Hub is also installed all of its data is available for viewing as well.
Quick Shifter for Power Commander V
Normally during up shifting you must roll off of the throttle and pull in the clutch in order to engage the next higher gear. In racing both drag and road race, split seconds count. Rolling off the throttle, even slightly, slows your times and can be the difference between winning and losing. The Dynojet Quick Shifter (DQS) allows full throttle, clutch less shifting. This is done by momentarily cutting the fuel and or ignition, which unloads the transmission. During this time, the rider can shift up to the next gear without rolling off the throttle or using the clutch.
Power Commander III USB Archive Product
The Dynojet Power Commander plugs inline with your bike’s stock fuel injection system. It uses OEM (original equipment manufacturer) style connectors making installation easy and quick. The Power Commander III USB allows a full range of fuel adjustment, as much as +/- 100% over stock. Adjustments can be made either with a Windows based computer or by using the face plate mounted button adjusters. No permanent changes are made to the bike’s system. Once the unit is removed the bike reverts to its stock settings.