As featured on our Bikes Page in 2007 when my friend Lou came to me and asked about this product I had no idea what to expect.
Well the results were great. We have since installed several Insta-Trike kits on a variety of motorcycles and have tried similar
products from other manufactures but none have compared to the quality and reliability of the TowPac InstaTrike.
Although we decided not to become a TowPac’s registered dealer we do support their product. Our motivation is not
profiting from the sale of the InstaTrike kit. We are motivated by getting riders back in the wind. Bikes Built Better
prides itself on helping customers with various disabilities or limitations get back in the saddle again.
We can order your Insta Trike or you can order it yourself have it delivered here and we will install it for you. You may also want to take advantage of some lighting upgrades we can provide for you which are very important for increased visibility. We can also make many other modifications for your riding needs such as electric shift, auto clutch, foot and hand control modifications whatever you need.
Pictured to the right is the 2001 Electra Glide Lou had converted in 2007. This gave him the ability to ride again after a motorcycle accident that permanently damaged his leg and has made Lou very happy. He now has over 25,000 miles on his Insta Trike. This one was purchased before the 12 inch wheel option was available from TowPac.

Harley Davidson Sportster XL883 with TowPac's InstaTrike Deluxe 12 inch Aluminum wheels and extra lighting installed here at Bikes Built Better We now prefer the 12 inch wheel Insta Trike Kits over the 8 inch for a more substantial look and feel.
The Insta Trike fenders have a mounting location that will handle a variety of light configurations. The kit comes with reflective tape but we highly recommend lights for more visibility. These are LED run brake turn combination lights by Cycle Visions very bright and a great add on feature for the Insta-Trike Some have preferred the classic tomb stone or HD tail light style instead.

More Product Information About Tow-Pac InstaTrike
You can find more information and order on-line direct from the manufacture
What advantages does InstaTrike offer over other trike systems? Priced thousands less, InstaTrike offers all of the
advantages and stability of a conventional trike while completely conserving your motorcycle and giving a smooth stable ride.
Very fast installation and removal for the trike or bike experience
No modification to stock motorcycle frame or drivetrain
Completely removable for easier resale of motorcycle
No loss of ground clearance
Independent wheel suspension and adjustability
Flat stable cornering
Trike stability with much smoother ride
Full access to stock saddlebags
Easily installed by the consumer
Available for over 100 makes and models of motorcycles
Minimal impact on fuel economy
Available in standard 8 inch wheel or deluxe 12 aluminum wheel package