Latest Images Projects Events Bikes
See our latest projects events and photos we occasionally will list some really wrong stuff as well… Enjoy as they are added via our instagram feed. If you would like to follow us on instagram look for us @bikesbuiltbetter.

Who’s ready for spring?
#bikesbuiltbetter #harleydavidson #hd #softtail
When a customer is "heavy" on the brakes and comes in talking about squeaky brakes. #supposedtobeflat #bikesbuiltbetter
Tires in stock now!
Buy now prices go up January 1st
Time to get `em out! Bike nights at Brickhouse tavern and tap, Willow Grove starting in May! #bhttwillowgrove #bikesbuiltbetter
Second Tuesday of the month
Busy Spring day! Get out and ride kids!
Check your tire pressure before your first ride this year. Remember drivers will not see you you need best handling and braking LOW TIRE PRESSURE = BAD DAY
Winter upgrades. #ledgendsuspension #bikesbuiltbetter #foilhatracing
Significant front end upgrade... cartridge fork! From basic repairs, UPGRADEDS that WOW or upgrades you never never even see but totally change the bike! #ledgendsuspension #bikesbuiltbetter #foilhatracing
Happy New Year
We will be closed 12/31 till Monday 1/4 /2021
Enjoy and Be Safe
Our wonderful customers have brought in quite a few Toys for Tots. Sadly, TFT will not take stuffed animals. ..they will throw them away! Can anybody find a good home for these cuddly critters?
Bikers doing their part against spotted lantern flies
#bikesbuiltbetter #spottedlanternfly
Only a minor flesh wound
Drag `em in Saturday #bikesbuiltbetter
Hi tech Hi speed. Titanium exhaust! BMW S100RR! All motorcycles are good!
Most amount of people I`ve around in a while
Getting the post-apocalyptic motorcycles ready to roll
I think this says it all
Andrew got a new toy God Speed Andrew
#crashingsucks #motorcycle #kawasaki #coronavirus Ride Safe Be Well
#irishxl #branch #sportster #xl
See and be seen LED lighting upgrades
St Patrick`s Day Build for Irish
50% off all Chaps in stock